Highways & Transport
Access to a development is obviously important and our Engineers have experience of the design and construction of roads and highways of all shapes and sizes from highway crossovers into private properties to roundabout design for a major retain developments; we can provide road and highway engineering advice and design to suit all projects.
This includes the production of designs which can be adopted by the Local Authority either under a Section 38 or Section 278 agreement. This usually requires some negotiation with the Highway Authority for the area and we have good relationships across Highway teams at Local Authority level.
Regardless of scale or use from commercial, education, private or residential, Canham Consulting can provide a suitable road and highway design.
Traffic Assessments
Within the planning section of a project, there is a requirement for certain size schemes to consider how additional traffic may affect the local highway network. An assessment of how a scheme will impact the traffic in the area takes the form of either a Traffic Assessment or a Traffic Statement.
We have the capability to measure existing traffic flow, model and assess the capacity and delay of junctions and advocate on behalf of our clients with the local highway authority about the suitability of a scheme, advising the client on specific requirements for improvements where required.
Alongside this, we also have the skills to provide Travel Plans for developments; to identify how the site will function, identifying and advising how they can be more environmentally sustainable from a travel perspective.