Liquid Fertiliser Terminal
Brineflow appointed Canham Consulting for Civil Engineering and CDM Services for their new £4m Liquid Fertiliser Terminal project located in Great Yarmouth. The investment in new shoreside tanks will enable farmers and growers in the Eastern Region to be more competitive and to drive better crop productivity.
We undertook flood risk assessments and intensive ground investigations to accurately map the surface soil strata. This identified where weaker ground zones occurred under the tank locations.
Our Civil Engineers used this data to effectively mitigate excessive and differential settlements of the tanks, by proposing two different methods of soil improvement. This allowed for an optimised design of the reinforced concrete bases for the tank, process and operations areas.
To avoid any traffic disruptions and disturbance of existing services we also designed the pumped main from the quayside to be directionally drilled under two roads.
By effectively identifying the risks early in the project, the design was able to accelerate and accommodate the Contractor, Munnings Construction’s, programme.